About Us
Our Faith, Our Mission, Our History
Our Faith
The Holy Bible and the Lutheran Confessions are the doctrinal foundation in Conservative Laestadianism. Centermost is the sermon of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. The work of Christ continues in this world as the work of the Holy Spirit in His congregation.
In Conservative Laestadianism it is taught that the Holy Spirit performs the work of salvation through the gospel. God sanctifies a sinner within His congregation. The congregation and its members have been entrusted with the word of reconciliation. The proclamation of the gospel is the office of the Holy Spirit. His followers use this authority. While preaching this gospel to all people, they also proclaim the remission of sins, which is the essence of the gospel. Therein the forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name and blood is proclaimed to the sinner. Faith comes by hearing and through hearing the word of Christ.
In the content of our teaching, the principles of the Reformation are regarded to be the most important. According to these principles, the Holy Bible is the highest authority in questions regarding faith and life and man is made righteous alone by faith, alone by grace, alone by the merits of Christ.
Faith is a gift of God. God has given the gift of faith to everyone born into this world.
Baptism is the covenant of a good conscience with God. In baptism God strengthens the child's faith and lifts him into the care of the congregation. An individual who has fallen from the grace of baptism can receive the gift of faith anew through repentance.
Repentance is a change of heart. According to Luther, it includes penitence and distress on account of sin, but at the same time believing the gospel or the absolution of sin. The essence of the gospel is the forgiveness of sins.
Communion is a memorial meal established by Jesus. It is intended for believers for the strengthening of their faith.
The kingdom of God is to be found on earth according to the teachings of Jesus. It is a kingdom of grace on earth and a kingdom of glory in heaven. The kingdom of God is one-minded in faith, doctrine, and love.
Our Mission
The mission of our central organization, the Laestadian Lutheran Church, and its congregations is:
To preach the gospel of repentance and remission of sins to the people of our communities, our nations, and throughout the world so that they might become partakers with us of the grace that God offers sin-fallen man in His Son Jesus Christ.
To nurture and strengthen the faith of the believing and root our children in Christian faith in God's kingdom.
To awaken and inspire Christian values and ethics, soberness of mind, love of homeland, and responsible citizenship among the people of our nations.
In order to accomplish this mission, the Laestadian Lutheran Church arranges and holds services at home and abroad, teaches and supports the teaching of God's Word among children and youth, publishes literature, newspapers, magazines, and recordings. It also works with its sister organizations around the world.
Please visit the Laestadian Lutheran Church Web Site for further information on our central organization and how to receive additional scriptural teachings on our faith.
Our History
Rockford Laestadian Lutheran Church (RLLC) is located 6.5 miles East of Buffalo on Co Rd 34. RLLC was established to accommodate the continued western migration of young families who had moved from the city and found it difficult to attend Bible class and other evening activities there because of the distance. They rented the Rockford Township Hall, and they first gathered there in May 1990.
In August 1991 a meeting took place to formally establish Rockford Laestadian Lutheran Congregation. The Delano Middle School was rented for Sunday morning services and Sunday school. Members raised funds to build their own church, and in March 1998 ground was broken on the current site. Through the efforts of mostly volunteer labor the existing church was built in two phases. In February 1999 the congregation held its first services there.
RLLC is a member of the central organization, LLC (Laestadian Lutheran Church), in Monticello, Minnesota. The LLC is closely affiliated with sister organizations in Finland (SRK), Sweden (SFC), and congregations elsewhere in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America. RLLC members are from a variety of ages and walks of life, however young families and youth comprise a significant portion of the RLLC congregation. Approximately 300 children are taught the ABC’s of faith in Sunday school. The youth group gathers often to sing spiritual songs, socialize and enjoy volleyball or other games in homes, as well as at the RLLC site. Our schedule includes Sunday services, a Monday evening elders' service and special services throughout the year. Other activities include Bible classes, youth days, day camps, and topic discussions.
Having found the “treasure hidden in a field”, RLLC members view faith as a precious gift. Because “faith cometh by hearing” (Rom.10:17), members gather often to hear God’s Word. Singing and music are also a valued part of life, and songs and hymns of Zion and sacred music sound beautifully during youth activities as well as general services and other programs and events.
We warmly welcome you to our services!